Norfolk population

Adults with mental ill-health conditions

Using the 2021 census population data and applying the estimated prevalence of mental health conditions in people aged over 18 indicates that there are around 99,500 people living in Norfolk with common mental health disorders (anxiety and depression).

Previous estimates predict that by 2040 the number of people with common mental health problems will have increased to 101,450.

The prevalence of people with anti-social and borderline personality disorders are the next largest cohort with an estimated prevalence of 17,474 people with anti-social and 12,635 people with borderline personality disorders. The prevalence of people with psychotic disorders is estimated to be 3,675 people.

It is estimated that there are 23,216 people living in Norfolk who are at higher risk of alcohol related health problems and 17,740 people who are dependent on drugs.

Visit our mental health webpage for further information and support for mental health.

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