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Concessionary travel pass guidance

Deferred applications

If you have applied online and we can't verify your details, your application will be deferred.

This does not necessarily mean that you are not eligible for a concessionary travel pass.

We may have been unable to verify your identity with the details you submitted because:

How to continue with a deferred application

We will email you to tell you if your application has been deferred and tell you what to do next.

To continue with a new online application, you can email or post us:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your online application number
  • Copies of your proof of identity. This can include a passport, driving licence or birth certificate. This must be in the same name as your application.
  • Copies of your proof of address. This can include a utility bill, bank statement, or any other official letter. This must be in your own name and must not be older than 12 months.

View our contact details.

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