Infant Feeding Friendly Norfolk

How to create an infant feeding friendly space

In our recent survey, we asked about infant feeding in public. We wanted to find out what made families feel more comfortable and able to:

  • Breastfeed
  • Express breastmilk
  • Formula feed

They told us the best spaces are those with a friendly smile and welcome. They also valued a space that other families felt comfortable to use. 

Requirements when joining the scheme

  • Ensure the Infant Feeding Friendly window sticker and pledge clearly displayed. This will show all visitors that you welcome and support infant feeding at your venue
  • Provide a comfortable space for parents and carers to feed their infant
  • Make sure that all staff members are aware of the scheme
  • Where possible, ensure that staff can support a parent to feed their infant with more privacy if requested. Toilets and baby changing facilities are not appropriate spaces to feed in.

Other ways businesses, organisations and venues can support families

  • Ask if there is anything that the parent or carer needs
  • Offer of a glass of water for the parent who is feeding an infant
  • Carry food and drink items over to where the parent is sitting
  • Have easy access into the premises and a suitable place to park the pushchair
  • Provide baby changing facilities in disabled toilets and/or both male and female toilets
  • Provide high chairs
  • Provide a play area for older children to keep busy in or the offer of colouring resources
  • Promote the scheme on a business' website and/or social media
  • Enable parents and carers to feed their infant without the need to buy anything

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