Infant Feeding Friendly Norfolk
Breastfeeding in public
Your breastfeeding rights
In England, the Equality Act 2010 protects breastfeeding mothers. This is a law which bans unfair treatment. It states that it is sex discrimination to treat a woman less favourably because she is breastfeeding. You must not be asked to cover up, move or stop breastfeeding. This applies to anyone providing services, benefits, facilities and premises to the public. It also applies to those who deal directly with the public.
All venues in the Infant Feeding Friendly Norfolk scheme have access to training. The training covers information about the laws around breastfeeding. This helps ensure staff members know how to support breastfeeding in public.
- Visit Just One Norfolk for information on breastfeeding in public
- Maternity Action provides information on the laws around breastfeeding while out and about
Tips for feeding in public
You might feel more confident and comfortable to breastfeed in public by:
- Taking along a close friend or family member
- Considering which clothing might make breastfeeding easier for you
- Planning ahead so you have an idea of where you might feed your infant
- Look out for venues displaying the Infant Feeding Friendly Norfolk sticker. Alternatively, you can look in advance by visiting the Infant Feeding Friendly Norfolk locator map.
The NHS provides useful tips for breastfeeding in public.
The Just One Norfolk website provides helpful information on infant feeding in public. Here you can also find further links to infant feeding support and other useful pages.