'You Said, We Did' SEND in Norfolk 2023-4
Lack of inclusive activities and events
The SEND Local Offer team has:
- Launched a calendar of SEND events where SEND friendly and inclusive activities and events are being published and promoted
The Educational Psychology Specialist Service (EPSS) has:
- Developed a digital online noticeboard for schools to share with families who have a child with SEND which includes links to 'things to do' and youth groups
The Norfolk Music Service is:
- Encouraging specialist resource bases (SRBs) to give their pupils the opportunity to join mainstream school music lessons with their peers
- Offering music technology as a 'Holiday Activities and Food' (HAF) activity to give young people the chance to make new friends through music
- Offering more SEND activities such as Free Flow Friday, an autism-friendly concert in Gorleston in March 2024 and SENDfest in June 2024
- Working to make music accessible to all, learning from feedback from SENDfest, the SEND Youth Forum and HAF families
- Bringing bespoke music sessions to pupils in specialist settings
The Children and Young People (CYP) with SEND participation officers:
- Launched 'Article 12 Gamers' for CYP with SEND aged 12-16-years-old with positive feedback from CYP and their carers. The group meets every school holiday and half-term break. An additional group for a younger age is being explored.
- Are exploring with CYP the idea of a young person's profile template to be completed by the CYP prior to any engagement activity with the team. It would include the young person's likes/dislikes and communication preference to ensure their needs are met.
- Organised a NASAPS drawing competition to build relationships and understand what a happy life looks like for CYP. 272 CYP took part. The drawings have been used throughout the NASAPS strategy. You can see everyone's pictures on YouTube.
- Built on relationships with schools and young people through further engagement and additional projects
- Asked CYP with SEND what makes them feel comfortable and uncomfortable in school and co-produced a list of top tips for schools.
- Met with students from East Norfolk Sixth Form College to review what SEND support looks like in further education (FE) and what could be improved
- Are co-creating a group for young people with SEND aged 16+ to give them opportunities to meet and connect with their peers
- Consulted CYP on a rating system for questions they are asked about as part of their education, health and care plan (EHCP). The participation officers learned they prefer a red, amber, green thumbs visual rather than smiley faces or emojis. This rating system will start being used for all surveys.