'You Said, We Did' SEND in Norfolk 2023-4
Improve support for mental health difficulties
Support for children and young people with mental health difficulties must improve.
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Commissioning Board:
- Set up a new way for 0-25-year-olds and families to request mental health support through Just One Number
Get access to mental health support
- Worked with Cambridge Community Services to set up a triage process for mental health referrals. This is to make sure the right service and appropriate self-care resources, advice, guidance and support is provided.
- Launched a new website FYI - For Your Information. The website will help children and young people (CYP) get the information they need on a range of topics, including mental health.
Visit FYI - For Your Information website
- Is piloting a two-year Mental Health Navigator project. The project will support CYP - with high-level mental health needs - to get the help they need from services so that they can achieve their goals.