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Our work

Our strategy is accompanied by an action plan. This identifies steps for members of the Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance (NFSA) to take to address the risk of flooding. This includes:

  • Work on individual sites across Norfolk
  • Working out costed solutions to address flood risk and identifying potential funding for each site

Work is underway on 28 sites in Norfolk, co-ordinated by the NSFA's Inland Flood Group.

Updates on each of these sites can be found in the latest annual report. When works are complete we will add case studies to this page.

A case for change

In addition to work in Norfolk, the NSFA is making a robust case to Government for national change to the planning system and legislation. It is focusing on:

  • The importance of ensuring that development does not exacerbate risk of flooding

  • The need to revisit existing legislation, so there can be further action on how flooding and flood risk is addressed

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