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How to make Word documents accessible

Written content

You must make sure that the text in your Word document is easy for people to read and understand.

Plain English

Write your document in plain English. Plain English uses simple wording and does not contain jargon.

Plain English benefits everyone. This includes:

How to write in plain English

There are lots of resources to help you write your document:

Technical terms and abbreviations

You can include technical terms and abbreviations in your Word document. But you should explain what they mean the first time you use them.

For example, the first time you use an abbreviation like 'NCC' in your document, write 'Norfolk County Council (NCC)'.


Your document might contain instructions that users need to follow.

You must make sure that any instructions in your document do not rely on the user being able to see the page. This includes referring to things only by colour, size, position or shape.

Instructions that rely on people being able to see your document to understand them make it hard or impossible for people with visual impairments to follow them.

For example:

  • Don't write: 'Use the red text in the square box to help you complete the form'
  • Do write: 'Follow our advice on how to complete the form'